How smoking affects the potency in men: restore after error

Today, according to the official data, in our country smoke 65% of the male population, 90% of which dream of getting rid of this terrible addiction, but they still can't win the battle against nicotine. On average, each man smokes every day for 18 cigarettes, that is almost the whole package! Many of them ask the simple questions to your doctor, such as: "the Influence structure of the power?". Definitely, yes.

Structure and power

The power is not a function of the body, or at least a close relationship to many systems of the human body: the nervous system, cardiovascular, hormonal. Consequently, the more healthy the body is, the better they all work, and the more stable is the desire and the ability to exercise sexual acts.

Also the most expensive, lightweight, high-quality varieties of tobacco are a cocktail of poisonous for man. Each cigarette contains over 4,000 poisons components, and in the smoke, due to exposure to high temperature, for a thousand more. Most lethal for the organism are:

  • resin;
  • benzene;
  • formaldehyde;
  • polonium;
  • acetone;
  • lead;
  • styrene;
  • arsenic.

But, of course, this list is not limited. Gone are the days, when smokers were sincerely convinced tobacco companies, that the exhalation of carcinogens of the smoke is not only not evil, but useful. Today absolutely all the studies on the effects of nicotine and tobacco products, showing that they are harmful to health. Let us consider, as the smoke affects on the power.

The testosterone and structure

Content in the blood of this penis of the androgen depends to a great extent and aspect of men, and his capacity to commit sexual acts. The tobacco smoke on a non-smoker can act as a stimulant for the production of testosterone. The first one-two of tightening affects the pituitary gland, and it gives the command an increase in the production of all hormones. However, after 1-2 cigarettes this effect is reversed.

With the regular use of smoking in men the production of testosterone slows down compared to non-smokers, like many other processes: the rates, the formation of white blood cells, red blood cells and so on for men, testosterone meet the testes and the adrenal cortex. New blood supply poisons by inhaling the smoke leads to the fact that these organs lose their productivity and can not fully play the function of production of androgens.

Hormonal disorders

Smokers lose not only the testosterone. The endocrine glands, the sex glands and the blood vessels of the brain extremely sensitive to the level of oxygen in the body and with its deficit, which inevitably occurs to the lovers of smoke, warn respiratory hunger. It reduces the amount of nutrients coming to them.


Each of the new cigarette causes a spasm of the blood vessels, the response will be the release of adrenaline. The high content of stress hormone inhibits the secretion of all the others. Organism that lives in a constant state of alert to the danger and decides that in such conditions to procreate, it is not reasonable, the most able to survive. The libido goes down.

Structure affects the pancreas, an insufficient amount of hormones from the pituitary gland can't stimulate the proper production of insulin and, therefore, increases the risk of diabetes in men, which threatens not only the loss of erection, but and legs. She suffers from the nervous system, this explains the irritability if not you can get another dose of nicotine.

The reduction of the reproductive function

Talking about influences of establishment of power, we must not forget fertility. The structure is particularly dangerous for those men who plan to conceive an heir. Also, which negatively affects power, which is not in itself favors the onset of the pregnancy, so it still suffers from the quality of the sperm. Scientific studies have shown that smokers of male sex reduces the number of sperm in the semen of almost 50%. So it falls and the chances of conception.

Under the influence of nicotine and other components of cigarettes in the semen decreases, the level of protamine, essential to the fertilization of the ovum protein. Disturbed the genetic structure to the male sex drive. This can lead to the conception of children with different pathologies.

The changes to the system of the vasculature

Structure and power are not compatible because of the impact on the circulatory system. The nicotine and other components, once in the blood of men, causing spasms of capillaries and large arteries, causing the blood flow is hampered, the heart receives an additional work-load. Drive the blood in narrow channels is much more difficult, requires a greater number of cuts. And she herself is poor of oxygen, so the heart muscle has to work even faster, for the cells have not experienced, too strong and respiratory failure.

The nicotine has the property of joining to the receptors of nerve endings, which stimulates the release of adrenaline. The platelets under the influence of carcinogenic substances stick together, forming clusters, which can then result in stroke, thrombophlebitis. Broken lipid volume, grows the cholesterol.

Structure deals damage to the walls of the arteries and veins, become rough, to these "guides" and can be atherosclerosis, resulting from the fact that atherosclerotic plaques readily cling to these projections and to the inside of the blood vessels are like the cave men moves with irregular walls and the rubble.

The fact that the circulatory system men affected by this habit easily identify alone:

  • Cold fingers of hands and feet in a warm room;
  • the noise in the ears and the head;
  • pale, cyanotic skin;
  • slowly disappear the tracks drag-and-drop elastic stockings;
  • the slow growth of the nails;
  • the loss of hair.
The depression

All this is to say violations of blood circulation and lack of oxygen. If you do not pay attention to similar events in the future structure will lead to stroke, heart attack, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, and, perhaps, amputation.

Complications in the sexual sphere

The smoking experience lack of breath during sex when active shares, can also cough. Scored resins light simply do not have time to provide oxygen to the body. So men should limit themselves in the activity, otherwise the erection can disappear. The nervous receptors is not as sensitive to the stimuli, and damage to the fibers of the nervous system slows down the passage of impulses from the brain to the areas. Because of this excitement slowly acquires its physical incarnation.

The emotional state of a smoker

Cigarettes per smoker – drug, in the blood for a certain time interval does not reach a new dose of stimulants, it begins to be affected by the stress. Also, the subconscious is held in the dissatisfaction because of the dependency from dependency and helplessness to do with this thing.

Those who start to smoke, knows what is harmful and what consequences they can expect in the future. More on this are aware of the smokers with the experience, has already succeeded, in varying degrees, to experience on itself all the charm of nicotine addiction. The awareness of the strength of weak will oppresses the men, it kills the confidence in their own capability, generates a flash of anger, irritability, bad mood, and particularly sensitive case could end up in depression.

Often in the workplace of these employees multano to smoke in working time, or they express their dissatisfaction, ladies and gentlemen, who do not go to the smoking room, and they believe they will be more efficient and productive. Looks accusatory non-smoking people on the street, in public places or at the bus stops add to the sense of guilt and a "depravity". Often can put in reproach the smell of cigarette, the amount spent for the purchase of them.

Alternative types of smoking

The habit to smoke has more psychological roots that physiological. The addiction to nicotine passes in the course of a few days, but the old-fashioned way, in a difficult situation, and the hand goes to the cigarettes or the temptation to "shoot". Therefore, among the men, who have decided to eliminate the smoke of his life, many believe that the passage nicotinic cigarettes alternative means of become successful a substitute.

If the nature is believed that our body is useful to breathe in the warm air, she surely has thought of itself. Manufacturers of electronic cigarettes and other substitutes to convince men, that's for sure, but studies say otherwise. All the substitutes are harmful to health, such as a normal cigarette, but a little different.

Hookah, electronic cigarettes, and systems for the heating of the tobacco, veip saturate the blood of substances that should not be there:

  • glycerin;
  • chemical aromas;
  • volatile organic substances;
  • formaldehyde;
  • nitrogen;
  • carcinogens;
  • heavy metals;
  • oxide of nitrogen;
  • cadmium etc.,

The larynx and lungs are constantly exposed to the elements and high temperatures of the inhaled composition, the pairs of humidity, which can cause cancer, and promote the onset of tuberculosis. Background asthma and chronic bronchitis seem to be the minimum damage. Also, not all the mixture of smoke and fillers to pass through an appropriate verification and approval, and said that the producer of the composition, if is usually specified.

The recovery of power after you quit smoking

Each year smoking addiction and the risk of being called a disease, always higher, always more need of a man who rejects him to bring the body back to its original state. There is a false opinion, that after a certain seniority or age, the smoker must not give up the cigarettes, otherwise, his health has deteriorated.

Yes, at the beginning, in reality, quitting smoking, a person may start ill more often. Constantly attacked by carcinogens, the body is forced to keep up the immunity, and with the cessation of this protection is almost non-stop, and the virus attack. So many men happen to bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, attacks high blood pressure, cough. But this is due to the fact that the body is purified and proposed as a possible to get rid of the accumulation of chemicals and resins.

Already after a month, all the difficult moments that will remain in the past and will remain only the closure of improvement:

  1. The sleep becomes deeper and more productive;
  2. it will be easier to breathe;
  3. through the normalization of oxygen in the blood and tissues increases muscle strength;
  4. disappears in a panic, nervousness;
  5. improves erection and libido.
The recovery after the smoke

And the more it increases within self-esteem.

Many are afraid of gaining weight, but direct communication "smoking and obesity" no, it's just that many men begin to eat more. In a first moment you can feel the vacuum, the inner tension, a discomfort. The most important thing is to keep a positive attitude and aware that a smoker loses nothing. In the past, are left with the potential diseases, dissatisfaction and situations with the smoke, unnecessary waste, and in front of him waiting for a long-awaited freedom.

The normalization of male health in case of cessation of tobacco smoking

After having wasted the last in the life of a man's cigarette, he is very fast will start to notice changes in quality of life and improve power. Literally with the second-third week of orgasm becomes more and more luminous, strengthens the power of resistance during the sexual intercourse.

If the case is not launched, on the recovery of erectile function at the human level, who has never smoked, it will take about six months. This is what is necessary for the body to cleanse ourselves from the accumulation of toxic substances and "adjust" destroyed their system. It is desirable at this time to give all the assistance possible:

  • do sports;
  • drink at a rate vitamins;
  • refuse to alcohol;
  • it is sufficient to take rest;
  • fair and balanced to eat;
  • drink the cleansing of the blood and lungs folk of the drug.

With this approach, the toxins are more quickly abandoned the body, started fully the hormonal system, normalize the blood circulation will tone up the muscles, the blood vessels become smooth and drops the cholesterol level, is in the mind, the nervous system. The power of after you stop smoking, starts to improve day by day.

There is no age or limit, when then abandon the nicotine in his life. Without a doubt, this process will take at the beginning carefully and conscious relationship with the situations, will have to give up cause find yourself with a beer or talking with friends smoking, but the result is worth the effort. The life of the relationship will be back very soon, and the reward for the courage to become strong erection, men of power, high self-esteem and the ability to breathe deeply.